The Secret and the Book of Millionaires are not connected, but they share the same objectives.
Although they are seperate and not connected, the Book of Millionaires (for many people) has served as the next step to the teachings of the Secret, But instead of the Law of Attraction, the Book of Millionaires teaches "the Law of Assumption".
The Law of Assumption is senior to the Law of attraction.
Neville Goddard serves as the Top inspiring of the Law of Assumption dating back to the early 1900s.
Most people wont teach (or correctly teach) the Law of Assumption because it can be be extremely powerful in the wrong hands.
The Book of Millionaires has set up by design, only people worthy of this knowlege and permanent wealth will even find us.
But those who are members should know the full truth.
The Book of Millionaires society come along with homes, cars, businesses, money, love, health and happiness.
What is the Law of Assumption and why is it better than using the law of attraction?
The law of attraction gives you a specific thing you want, the law of assumption give you the entire life you want.
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