
Sunday Scripting- ( Every Sunday, specific script)

Sundays are where we write a weeks worth of postulates and desires in our scripting.

We script from the reality of already having whatever it is you desire.
And we are incorporating it into our Sunday scripting.

This is always done in 1st person point of view. 



How we suggest you script.

(These are videos on scripting that we recommend and are not associated with the BOM)



First Sunday


Start this Sunday Morning (1st Sunday of the Month)


First Sunday

First Sunday of the month is when we script about money and wealth, 

You write out the full week from the viewpoint of the person you want to be (actually, this other you already exists so channel the other you and write out what you will do as if it already happened).

Write out Sunday - Saturday the way you want it in regards to money.

Hit on these topics in the scripting:

Your Job (if you want one), Your business (if you want one), Your money in the bank, Your investments, The things you bought this week, The money you gave away, The projects you got involved in, the restaurants you ate at, the cars you bought or drove, etc.



2nd Sunday


Start this Sunday Morning (2nd Sunday of the Month)

2nd Sunday

Second Sunday of the month is when we script about Love and or relationships, 

You write out the full week from the viewpoint of the person you want to be (actually, this other you already exists so channel the other you and write out what you will do as if it already happened).

Write out Sunday - Saturday the way you want it. 

Hit on these topics in the scripting:

Your relationship you want with a spouse, bf or gf, dating.

Also for relationships with family members, children, parents, friends, business partners, business associates, co-workers.


3rd Sunday


Start this Sunday Morning (3rd Sunday of the Month)

3rd Sunday

This third Sunday of the month is when we script about and for Health and Fitness.

You write out the full week from the viewpoint of the person you want to be (actually, this other you already exists so channel the other you and write out what you will do as if it already happened).

Write out Sunday - Saturday the way you want it. 

Hit on these topics in the scripting:

The body type you want,  The energy you want,  The perfect health you want, The health of a friend or loved one you want.
If there is a health issue in your life, you script with it already being healed,  If there is an health issue for someone else you are close to that you would like to heal, script with them already being healed.

Again, you script about only one thing this week, next month on the 3rd Sunday, you can script about a different health issue.


4th and or 5th Sunday


Start this Sunday Morning (4th Sunday of the Month)

4th and or 5th Sunday

Some months will have 5 up to 5 sundays, and if that happens, you treat the 5th Sunday, the same way as the 4th.

4th and 5th Sunday you are allowed to script about anything you want.  Create a week the way you want it.

You write out the full week from the viewpoint of the person you want to be (actually, this other you already exists so channel the other you and write out what you will do as if it already happened).

Write out Sunday - Saturday the way you want it. 

Hit on anything you want. This is free reign.

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Sunday - Saturday

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