How much Money do you want?
Let us tell you something the others wont. You don't need to be a Millionaire!
Let us explain this.
You will only attract what you truly want, and if that is not $10 Billion, that is perfectly fine.
See the ultimate goal is to be HAPPY!
Whatever happiness looks like for you, that is what you attract.
Why aren't all law of attraction gurus Billionaires if the law of attraction works?
There are some law of attraction gurus (teachers) who are worth $10 million, some $400 million, some make $500,000 per year. So why aren't they all Billionaires if they can attract money?
The goal is not money, it's HAPPINESS
Simply put, the reason the people who master the law of attraction don't all have Billions of dollars is because the energy is wasted if you don't want or need a billion.
There is no doubt that the people who want a Billion could do it, any of us can. But you have to understand why you want it and do it.
Here's an example, if you were lacking food, and you became a law of attraction expert, you could create as much food as you would like. Does this mean you create a farming company, agricultural areas, slaughter houses and have hundreds of employees?
No, you probably just create where you have more than enough resources to be fed everyday without worry. But there will be some people that create the farm and produce it all.
Everyone has their OWN Amount for their Happiness!
I know a lady who makes $10 Million per year and is very happy with that. She does not want to or care to be a Billionaire.
I know a family (Book of Millionaire members) who have their dream home, 4 cars, they make $10,000 per week which is about $500,000 per year, and have now major debt. They have the perfect relationship, they are both healthy, they have everything they need, they both do what they love, and this is happiness for them. They have no interest in generating $20 million per year, as they feel it would be a waste because $40,000 per month gives them more than what they need for their lifestyle. In fact, they say over $10,000 per month, because all of their bills amount to less than $15,000 per month.
So this was their goal and they are very happy!
I know another woman whose goal was $1 Million per year, and she now makes $2 Million per year and has more than she ever needs. She takes care of her entire family, she is retired, she wants for nothing. She is happy.
If she wanted to be a billionaire, she absolutely could, she could refocus her thoughts, she could work with her subconscious and create the means to generate Billions of dollars, maybe it would take a few years, but there's no doubt she could do it.
But she doesn't want or need to do it, because $2 Million per year brings her the peace of mind and security she will ever need,
so going beyond just for the sake of going beyond would not put her in a an inharmonious state and therefore, would not keep her happy.
Is your Name in the Book of Millionaires?
Being in the Book of Millionaires is not just about being a RICH.
This is the Community of people that are changing the world. It is time for people
Money is Energy: Learn More About the Book of Millionaires
You've heard that money is energy but what does that mean.
Money is energy and it represents the ability to be, do and have. The more money you have, the more you can do, be and have.
But money is something that you have to get from other people. In fact, money is controlled not only by other people but by a system, that is why traditional Law of Attraction alone doesn't work.
So therefore it is manifested differently than things you can simply bring to you. And this is why so many people falter in their quest to manifest big money permanently and why only 1 - 5% of all the people in history have been able to manifest this.
The Book of Millionaires is the entity created to connect the person to the source, where it is almost impossible to do it alone.

You must use your subconscious select your happiness level.
Not everyone wants to be a Millionaire
But money is something that you have to get from other people. In fact, money is controlled not only by other people but by a system, that is why traditional Law of Attraction alone doesn't work.
So therefore it is manifested differently than things you can simply bring to you. And this is why so many people falter in their quest to manifest big money permanently and why only 1 - 5% of all the people in history have been able to manifest this.
That may sound crazy to you but it is very true. All you really have to do is have a set amount and you will have it.
So whether this is $50,000 per month, or if its $10,000,000 per year, you just need to set it and stick to it. Now you can always change it, and people often do, but this is the destination that is put into the gps so that the universe knows where you are going.
The last piece of the puzzle. You need to connect to something where the money can find you. We've discussed it before, since money (unlike anything else you want to manifest) must come from someone else and is a part of a system, it's not natural, you must have a physical connection to the source.
This can be a profession, this can be from prestigious schools, this can be from lucrative industries like professional sports, or acting, this can be from a family member that is already wealthy, etc.
But because money is a part of a system and not natural, you must be connected to it in the 3D world. The manifestations can still happen, but you need that source.
This is where 'the Secret' and all other teaching fall short, because they never really help the student understand how money is slightly different and you need a connection to a source for the money to be manifested in abundance.
This is where the Book of Millionaires community comes in.
You can join other entities and it will have the same effect. The only problem is that the other closely guarded societies are not just open to anyone. Not just anyone can become a Yale graduate.
The Book of Millionaires, is the only way the average person can connect (PERMANENTLY) to a money source and truly manifest their money goals and have them be permanent.